Operational Training Unit


“Aspice Et Imitare”

OTU Pilots


Commanding Officer of OTU Flt/Lt Starfire EAF331

                                 Executive Officer of OTU F/O Apollo EAF331 (Only during European daytime)

Flt/Lt Banzai EAF51
W/C Jimmi EAF51
Flt/Lt Walty EAF51
F/O Cappe EAF51
W/C Swoop EAF19
F/O Red EAF602
S/L Pax EAF322


On leave from OTU:

Sqn Ldr Nepe EAF51 nepeEAF51@gmail.com
FLt/Lt Keets EAF92 smkeight@yahoo.com
F/O Marsh EAF19 ehunt19@gmail.com